집에 침입한 곰이 옷장에서 자다가 경찰에 붙잡혔다 The bear that broke into the house was caught by the police in the closet.
미국 몬태나 주의 한 가정에서 흑곰 한 마리가 옷장 속에서 잠든 채 발견됐다.
결국 곰은 마취된 후 옮겨졌다.
문제의 곰이 근처에서 다른 두 곳의 문을 열려고 했다는 것이 발견되면서 경찰 당국은 집 안의 문 단속을 철저히 할 것을 당부했다.
경찰은 곰이 집의 세탁실에 들어간 후 문을 잠궈버렸다고 했다.
곰은 방 안을 난장판으로 만든 후 피곤해지자 옷장으로 들어가 잠을 청한 것으로 보인다.
In a Montana state home, a black bear was found asleep in the closet.
Police officers were reported and dispatched, and when police officers knocked on the window to wake up the bear, the bear was just yawning.
Eventually, the bears were transferred after anesthesia.
The police found that the bear in question had attempted to open the doors to two other places nearby, calling on the police to crack down on the doors in the house.
Police said the bear had locked the door after entering the house's laundry room.
The bear seems to have entered the wardrobe when he got tired after making a mess in the room.